Thursday, October 23, 2008

6.5 - Life Serial

The nerds are testing Buffy.


Oh, man, this episode was hilarious. From the start with the Death Star on the van ("I based it on the plans from the Empire's revised schematics!") to the poker game where kittens are used as currency, I was never bored.

Buffy's experience of trying out all the jobs her friends have found was fun. My favorite was the magic shop job, where she has a groundhog day experience over and over again.

Sarah Michelle Gellar was just incredibly cute and likable this whole episode. She's been gloomy since she came back, but here she gets to have some fun, and I welcome it. The thing she does when she drinks is funny, too. After each swig, she goes "bleurgh!" and sticks her tongue out. My wife does the same thing, and most women I've met do that too. It's a nice touch that adds realism and is also just plain funny.

When Buffy confronts the van, Jonathan transforms himself into the visage of a huge demon to allow the others to escape, and it cracked me up. When she hits him, he says "I am well struck! I call on the misty portal of my demon dimension, where I will lay my head and gently die!" Then he throws a smoke bomb down, turns around and books it. Comedy gold.

Rating: 9/10


Anonymous said...

well...I see I missed a bunch! So I'lll just jump in here. I also loved this one. I loved the evil hand bit. Especially when Warren slaps Andrew with the rubber hand, that cracks me up. On a nit picky note - being an airbrush artist myself, there's no way Andrew could of just whipped that out with that tiny airbrush and an air can rather then a compressor. Sorry just had to comment on that. Awesome Death Star though, the real painter rocked it! wish I could of gotten that gig. Loved when Buff smashes Giles glasses.

Heath Holland said...

yeah, you can tell the air brush work is way above his pay grade, too. I didn't even think it was airbrushed, I thought it was actually a decal or something, but I will bow to your knowledge.
One way or the other, I'd be proud to drive that van.