Wednesday, October 8, 2008

3.2 - Dead Man's Party



Again, this is alright, but it's not fantastic to me. It's cool to see a Buffy take on zombies, and I LOVE the bit at the end where Giles confronts Principal Snyder and asks if he needs "convincing" to let Buffy back into school.

Really, we're still dealing with the fallout of Buffy leaving. It had to be done.



Anonymous said...

The mask..."It hates the room, it wants the room to suffer" (I think). Love Giles and his piece of shit car...

Andres Salazar said...

there were some good scenes in this one. I liked the one where Willow and Buffy have a heart-to-heart in her room, about the effects that it had on Willow when Buffy left. there was some heart-felt acting there. I loved it.

again its about the relationships.