Saturday, October 18, 2008

5.4 - Out of My Mind

Joyce is getting sick, Riley's body is pushing itself to far, and Spike comes to a realization.


The biggest plot point here is that Joyce is getting ill and must be taken to the hospital. Spike tries to capitalize by kidnapping the doctor and having him remove the chip. The doctor doesn't do it, but does open up Spike's head.

The major revelation comes at the end, when we learn, along with Spike, that he's falling in love with Buffy. Ruh-roh!

Let me address the Riley thing, too. Riley, to me, is a good character, and he's a likeable guy. The problem comes in when he's just an average guy. On Buffy, it's clear that she needs more than just an average guy. Average guys don't bring the pain and the angst. They don't make the stories interesting. I think the writers saw this and started to write him out accordingly somewhere around here. It's not the actor's fault, it's just the nature and the dynamic of the show.

Anyway, I'm rating this a 7/10.


Anonymous said...

Yeah. Plus they had a big push to get Spike and Buffy into some sort of romantic conflict. The fans just adored Spike too much...they needed that "when they gonna hook up tension" that Joss played with till the very end.

Andres Salazar said...

I have mixed feelings about this one.
Bascially I cant stand Riley. Just plain ole' Saltine crackers to me...not even a Ritz.

He needs to go. Get bit and turn into a thats a story. Have buffy having to kill him. I like it!

So all the Riley needs sex and work out and all that was lame...I'm done, checked out already with him.

Harmony still needs to be staked and put all the viewers out of their misery.

BUT..... The ending was AMAZING. When I saw Buffy and Spike kiss...whoa momma! I was like, "Holy Moley!!" But alas it was a dream, blast you Joss! You are my master and I hate you for it.

I still want Spike to be a bad-ass vampire. but now...with Buffy, that might be a fun story too.

4.5 out of 5 (only because of the ending)