Friday, October 17, 2008

5.1 -Buffy VS Dracula

The title says it all.


I know this is going to sound potentially crazy, but there's something about starting this season that just feels right. I think maybe Joss and Co. learned a thing or two from some of their missteps on season 4 and have tried to right the ship.

It feels..more fun? Comfortable? I don't know...First of all, there's no Initiative sneaking around in dark corners. Now I know this season is not all lollipops and bubble gum, but I think we've gotten back to the core dynamic. It's a core group again! Yeah, that's what it is! In season 4, everyone was off doing their own thing, but here we start out, and it's the Scooby gang again, minus some members, plus some new ones, but everyone feels like they are treading the same path again.

Dracula as a villain is awesome, too. Spike says Drac owes him money. Great line. And I love that Giles was about to leave, but right before he announced it to Buffy, she gave him what he needed most. A purpose. Too bad he had to flounder so badly in season 4. Giles is a Watcher. It's what he does, and it's his purpose on the show. I remember very little about this season. I was busy doing other things at this point in my life, and I saw them on DVD years ago, but I don't remember most of it. I'm looking forward to the season.

And great cliffhanger ending, introducing the sister.

Rating: 8/10


Anonymous said...

I loved this episode too. Nice way to start a season- light. First let me say that the one thing I notice right off in this season is that for a bunch of unemployed people- they can really rock the fashion. Buffy must have 10 pairs of leather pants and jackets this season. All the way down the line they all dress like catalog models- except Xander whom ironically enough is the only one with a job and dresses worse than ever. hawaiian shirts over thermals- you go Xander. The colors are all coordinated too _ new fashion designer on set? riley's funny this season at least early on. Oh and "no more butt monkey" Yeah Xander.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Heath, what was your least favorite season? I don't know if you've mentioned it before. I think that season 4 was my least favorite, mostly because I wasn't into the relationship Buffy had with army dude.

T Mafia said...

What Vichus said. It figures that the one character on the show I wanted to die horribly, never did.

Riley = the Wesley Crusher of Buffy.

Heath Holland said...

Riley doesn't bother me. Season 4 is definitely a low point, but I think I'll have to wait until I've finished season 7 to give a fair and honest answer to that.

Andres Salazar said...

hmmm...I liked this episode, but I didnt love it. I thought it was cheap to bring in someone like Dracula for one episode like this and have him be destroyed like that. I think ultimately they cheapened the most powerful and iconic vampire of all time. If you are going to bring Vlad into this, you better make it a big story arc and he better be damn powerful.
I liked that we did see some of his powers and that Buffy couldnt resist his charm and we got a hint of the darkness that is in Buffy, but still it wasnt enough for me. This just didnt feel right being a one-and-done story with such a major mythological character.

Plus, I thought the addition of Dawn was lame...when did she ever show up? I do not recall her being in any of the previous shows, so suddenly Joss wants Buffy to have a kid sister and there she is?

so I give it a 3 out of 5 due to those things.

Heath Holland said...

Well, Andy, I loved that they made Dracula cheap, because it makes all the other Buffy baddies that much more powerful in perspective.

As for Dawn, there are reasons. Have faith.