Tuesday, October 28, 2008

6.17 - Normal Again

Buffy gets drugged up and thinks that maybe her life in Sunnydale is all in her mind.



That's my honest opinion. I was so freakin' bored. Every show does this, from soap operas to Smallville to Supernatural, to ALF. The old "what if reality isn't really reality and I'm somewhere else dying or crazy?"

I don't even have much else to say about this. I didn't even hate it, I'm just completely apathetic at this point. Someone put this crap out of it's misery.

Rating: 3/10


Anonymous said...

Think you're over dosed on Buff. :) Honestly, I never even watched the whole series this fast! Definately a formula episode. Like the Groundhog day trick every show uses...From Buff to Supernatural, X-Files, Star Trek the next gen etc. But I concur, bad episode...

Heath Holland said...

I really have over dosed, I think. But I can't stop. I'm like Willow on the magic. I'm lashing out now and hurting those I care about, but still I continue.