Monday, October 13, 2008

4.7 - The Initiative

The answer to the question of who those military dudes are is finally answered.



So Spike's been taken by the initiative, whom we learn is led by Riley and his frat mates with the whole operation seemingly headed by their Psychology teacher.

Poor Spike gets a chip implanted into his head which makes killing people impossible. He can't even punch.

Great comedic moments occur, such as when Spike tries to bite Willow and the whole conversation that ensues is played out like erectile disfunction.

A really good and fun episode. Spike's now in the opening credits and Oz is gone. I love Spike, and I'm really looking forward to what he brings to the show.



Anonymous said...

I liked this one too..."She's so hot she's Buffy". That cracked me up. And the Xander/Harmony cat fight in slow mo...Fricking awesome. "you sissy kicker!"

Andres Salazar said...

I cracked up at the Xander vs Harmony fight...that was awesome.

I'm intrigued by the inititive guys.

The part with Spike and Willow had me rollin' too.

fun episode.

Heath Holland said...

Yeah, that fight was hilarious! And I loved the Spike/Willow moment.