Saturday, October 11, 2008

3.15 - Consequences

Fallout from Faith's actions last week lead to her making an evil alliance.


This season's overall mythology plot (by mythology I mean the episodes that comprise the overall season long plot, such as Faith, The Mayor and the Ascension, not Zeus and Hercules) really don't do much for me. I'm quickly losing interest in Faith completely. What I've come to enjoy about this season is the character moments, the development, and the ups and downs in their lives.

This episode is just alright for me.

Rating: 6/10


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed these episodes. I like the whole dark slayer thing...It had to be addressed. "See it, want it, take it" That aspect of power gone mad, makes Buffy more the hero. Plus, it's all setup for the finale!

Heath Holland said...

I suppose it did have to be addressed, and I can't remember how I felt about it when I first saw it back then, but now, knowing where it's going, I haven't enjoyed much of the Mayor or Faith very much at all. Most of the other stuff, even though I remembered what was coming most of the time, still felt fresh and new to me. This stuff doesn't. Faith, this early on, bores me to tears.

Andres Salazar said...

i liked these episodes. Its fun, and I dig on Faith.

some really good acting and sadness when Willow finds out about Xander/Faith.

I like Wesley...I"m curious to see how this goes.