Saturday, October 18, 2008

5.5 - No Place Like Home

We meet Glory for the first time, and Dawn is explained.


You know, Douglas Petrie wrote this episode, and I've decided that he is one of the top 3 writers for this show for me. It's Whedon, Marti Noxon, and Doug Petrie for me. I think those three really get the core of the show and don't make many mistakes. Listening to the commentaries as I've been doing, you learn that Joss Whedon literally punches up and rewrites every script that the writers turn into him and has them change lots of things, even adding his own trademark dialog to the show to give it that special something, but Douglas Petrie and Marti Noxon seem to have the most "Joss-like" voice without him changing it.

Anyway, we meet Glory, the big bad for the season. I don't think they've really explained what she is too much at this point, but she's tough and she's pretty. It's already a huge change from the dreary James Bond environment of last season. And I love it.

Dawn is also finally explained. Who'd have thought that we'd have to wait 5 episodes into the season to find out who she is? Turns out she's "the key." A being of energy made flesh and made human, but she doesn't know that she wasn't born to Joyce Summers and doesn't belong. She's just a girl, and must be protected.

I tell ya, I'm really digging this season. I think it's on par with season 2 as my favorite. It just feels right, tight, and cohesive. It's back to the family, and again, everyone, while on a different path, is heading down those paths together. If that makes sense.

This season is really blowing me away, that's all I'm saying.

Rating: 8/10


Anonymous said...

I remember that first ass kicking she gave Buffy and thinking oh man, this big bad is something different.

Andres Salazar said...

ok, with this I like Dawn a little more. So its not just a random-arsed character thrown in the mix, there is a reason why shes there and Buffy is as clueless as the viewers as to what the deal is with Dawn...ok, I can hang with that.

I liked this episode.

The only thing I didnt care for was the red dress that the bad girl had...kinda cheesey. Red dress and heels? yeah sure ok. *rolls eyes*

oh and Spike digging on Buffy? that will be interesting....

3.5 out of 5.