Saturday, October 11, 2008

4.2 - Living Conditions

Buffy clashes with her dorm roommate from hell.


Ha ha, Marti Noxon, you crack me up. You must have roomed with the most hellacious person in college to have this much ammunition. This episode made me laugh A LOT.

Spoilers and stuff.

So Buffy is clashing with her roommate who loves Celine Dion, blasts Cher repeatedly from her CD player, clips her toenails in bed, irons her jeans, and labels her food with her name. There's really not too much below the surface here other than what happens in the end, but this was incredibly amusing and got me really laughing.

There's a scene where Oz goes patrolling with Buffy. He's trying to console her and be the voice of reason, when she kicks a bench in frustration. Oz says "on the plus side, you killed the bench, which was looking shifty." That line cracks me up.

Another great line:

"I'm 3000 years old. Stop treating me like I'm 900!"


Rating: 9/10


T Mafia said...

Season four already? I really should check this blog more often.


Okay, all caught up. Since all I can add to most of that is "Yup. Right on" (except for the notion that the show popularized anything as silly as Wicca or goth - the latter of which "Lie to Me" went out of its way to mock), I'll just mention that I kinda liked the Mayor as a villain. It's always good to see a bad guy who enjoys his work.

Oh, and Faith was the real (tragic) hero of season three. She made one honest mistake and her "friends" turned on her. Well, okay, the one later where she almost killed Dawn was a bit much, but-- wait, what do you mean that scene's not on the DVDs? Don't we all remember Dawn being there?!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that a-hole Parker of the big eyebrows...Mister seduce and discard, playing the sensitive tortured act. some sick ass dreams, and Buffy and Kathy with the milk "Sid the Wiley dairy gnome?". funny ending too, with Willow eating Buff's sandwich.

Anonymous said...

Faith was a menace...She tried to blame that honest mistake on Buffy...what a pal.

Heath Holland said...

T-mafia, Buffy as a show totally had kids going Goth and wiccan. I'm not saying it caused any problems by doing it, but I am the same age as these characters, and I remember people that I knew in college getting interested in this stuff because of this show. I was there! It didn't invent it, and it was only one of many sources making it cool back then, but it one of many shows/bands/movies that made the goth movement more mainstream. Or maybe it catered to an interest that was already there. Either way, I knew kids in college that got interested because of this stuff.

M-batz, the sandwich part at the end was hilarious. Gellar was absolutely awesome and adorable in this episode.

Andres Salazar said...

it was a fun episode, I like the light-hearted stuff more I think.

I was broken hearted though on the section fo the show where the jerk-wad used Buffy. What the hell was she thinking to have sex with the guy on the first date?

As a conservative guy I"m hoping that this is not going to start going downhill on me and being 90210.