Sunday, October 26, 2008

6.10 - Wrecked

Willow delves into the darker side of magic.


Freakin' Willow! Amy takes Willow to a guy named Rack who juices her up on dark magic. The whole thing is played as a drug metaphor, like she's addicted to the high and can't come down. She endangers Dawn and almost gets them both killed. Buffy steps in and says that it can't go any farther. Willow vows to go cold turkey on magic and Buffy vows to herself to stop doing the nasty with Spike.

Rating: 7/10

Frustration factor with Willow: 10/10 (she should have known better and it really annoyed me)

Warning: There are spoilers for the rest of the season in the comments posts.


Anonymous said...

Love when Dawn slaps her though. Yeah they really dumb Willow down for this drug metaphor. I mean this is Willow, straight A's, nerdy, never stay out past curfew girl. Granted she's addicted, but come on. And what's so great about that magic high anyway...floating in an LSD Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds haze...whoopie. Tough season, this one, every one's got issues.

Heath Holland said...

Yeah, for real. The drug metaphor is really heavy handed and kind of dumb. And they sure don't make it look appealing at all. The writing here is not the best. They had to bring in all this conflict, and I think they did their best.

I don't know...thematically it seemed like they finished their story at season 5. That seemed liked Joss's original vision. The stories for season 6 and 7 are still really good, but it's not as fresh as it was in years 2, 3, or 5. To me, at least. I wonder what the legacy of the show would have been if it had gone out on a high note like Seinfeld. Not canceled, jut done.

But you can't really complain, because if it ain't broke, don't fix it. They could still tell good stories, and the actors were still willing. God bless em, we got 2 more seasons out of it than we did Angel. And for the awesomeness that Angel went out in, I'd still rather have had it around for 2 extra seasons.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I'm kinda curious about how many episodes in season 7 you'll rate higher than a 5. And I too was bummed when Angel ended. Gotta watch that last season again. It's the only one I've seen only when it was originally airing.
The dark Willow was a badass 3 part finale though.

Heath Holland said...

I watched season 7 religiously, but my memories of it aren't that it was really good. We'll see, though. I'm 5 years older and I've been on quite the crash course.