Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2.22 - Becoming Part II

The Angelus plot comes to it's inevitable conclusion, Buffy's mom finds out her secret, and Spike decides to play by his own rules.






Wowee wow wow.

Let's track all the stuff that happened here.

-Willow took her first foray into magic.

-Buffy's mom learned her secret.

-Spike switched sides and aided the Slayer, met Buffy's mom, and was allowed in the house.

-Xander confessed his love to an unconscious Willow.

-Giles got tortured.

-Angelus opened a portal to hell.

-Angel got his soul back.

-Buffy sends Angel to hell.

-Buffy leaves her home.

-Buffy leaves Sunnydale.

That about cover it?

Joss Whedon, you are a sadistic dude, but you make good TV.

I'm not going to lie. When Buffy stabbed Angel, I was fine. I've seen this episode several times before. I knew it was coming. It was sad, but I was fine. Then he gets sucked into hell, and I was still fine. Then Sarah Michelle Geller started to act her little pants off and I could just feel the hurt and the loss pouring out of her and suddenly I broke. I got all misty. Then we see Buffy leaving the school and watching her friends go away, and she turns to walk down the road. The next thing we see is her on the bus as it passes the Sunnydale city limits. Joss Whedon, do you know what you did to me when you paired that moving Sarah McLauchlin song with the sad image of Buffy leaving town AND throwing in the cleverness of the sign actually saying "You are Now Leaving Sunnydale, Come Back Soon"? Do you know what you did, Whedon? I won't be able to carry on a conversation for a week.

Well, fortunately, I don't have to wait all summer like I did when I first saw this episode. Fortunately, I can pop in season three. I was going to wait, take some time off, but blast it, I can't after this. Not now.

10/10 for the most heartbreaking season finale I may have ever seen.

Curse you Whedon!


Anonymous said...

Don't know what to say here...very difficult to watch..You pretty much covered it...Xander fricking lies to Buffy about Willow's message "Kick his ass". What's so cool is that Xander's lie comes out in the open during season seven. 5 years later! That's what I like about this show, their's so many call backs. This plays to the "in" crowd, but, that's me, so cool.

Heath Holland said...

I realized he'd lied to her, but I almost instantly forgot about it amid the chaos. I'll be honest, I don't remember this coming back in season 7, so I'm interested to see how it comes up.

Andres Salazar said...

I lost it.

I got all teary. and then shocked.
and now I'm jsut bummed out.

Joss is the puppermaster now. I feel seriously manipulated.

Heath Holland said...

You feel manipulated in a bad way? I mean, isn't the point of watching a show to be told a story, and at best, to feel like you've been on a journey with someone? This is the thing about Buffy,and now you've had a little taste of it: these don't feel like storylines, they feel like people's lives, and they have huge ups and huge downs just like real lives. I think it's a compliment to the man.

With most other shows, I've found that I can watch an episode and turn it off when it's done, but I've become a bit obsessed with this show. I mean, I just started about 10 days ago, and I'm halfway through season three. I'm watching 6-8 a day sometimes. It may be manipulation, but I guess that's what I'm after.

Andres Salazar said...

I dont mean manipulation in a bad way, just that he is amazing in his ability to pull at my heart strings.

I'm a sappy guy, but still I never would have thought that I would get emotional over Buffy.

Kudos to Joss....he is my Master!