Tuesday, November 4, 2008

7.9 - Never Leave Me

Buffy watches Spike, Andrew gets busted.


Drew Goddard, 3 for 3! He seems to be just the thing to breathe fresh life into the gloom that has become Buffy.

So Spike has some clear moments with Buffy where they talk about what he did, why he did it, and how he feels about it. Andrew had been trying to open a gate in the basement of the high school with Jonathan's blood, but failed, so he goes for some pig's blood but gets caught by Willow. Awkward!

They take Andrew back and tie him up, Xander and Anya do the good cop bad cop routine on him, and Spike gets taken from Buffy's house by the ancient order who is in service to the First. They bleed Spike over the symbol in the basement of the school and it opens, and out comes a true vampire, not diminished or weakened by interbreeding with humans. It's all orc looking. I remember when I saw this the first time in 2003 thinking that Joss Whedon must have been a big fan of Lord of the Rings, because it's influence keeps popping up. This guy really reminds me of something like an orc. Or from Nosferatu. It could go either way.

Anyway, great episode.

Rating: 8/10


Anonymous said...

I remember thinking that he ripped off Blade 2...or vice versa- forget which came first. And now we get Andrew, the new comic relief which kind of steps on Xander's territory. It devours you starting with your bottom:) Think that was earlier.

Heath Holland said...

Yeah, "it eats you starting with your bottom" was in Conversations With Dead People. Thank goodness someone is here to bring comic relief, because Xander sure ain't funny anymore. He's part of the whole thing I'm talking about when I say that so much of these last 2 seasons are going through the motions. He seems so hollow and miserable most of the time. But they all do, don't they?

Anonymous said...

Yeah...Xander's a douche this season. All of them are. This season has maybe 2 episodes in it that I like. It's only redeeming quality is it's must watch cause it was the last season. If you listen close to SMG in a couple episodes you can tell that she must of had a severe flu or something. She's wearing a scarf and sounds horrible. What a trooper:) When the Scoobies stopped being "nerds" and started being more the "in crowd", the show lost something (particularly with Xander)

Anonymous said...
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