Wednesday, November 5, 2008

7.14 - First Date

Principal Wood and Buffy go out?!


This is an episode with a few revelations, and I am glad to say that Jane Espenson delivered. It's strange, isn't it, that the one writer who I started out hating is the one of the only writers I count on to deliver quality at this point. My, how times change.

So Robin Wood asks Buffy out, and they get jumped by vamps. We learn that Wood has a lot more to him than meets the eye. Turns out his mama was the Slayer we saw Spike kill in Fool For Love, the one who was all Pam Grier/blackspoiltation awesome. And yeah, Spike killed her.

So Buffy finds out about him and he finds out about Buffy. He meets Spike. At the end of the episode, The First messes with Wood in the guise of his mother. It tells him that Spike killed his mom. It's kind of cool, but at the same time, I'm not really looking forward to them dragging it out for 5 episodes, which I suspect they will do.

And for a restaurant in the back end of an alley with no signs around whatsoever, it's packed! it's really posh inside too. I'm supposed to overlook stuff like that, aren't I? My bad.

Rating: 7.5/10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah. decent season 7 episode. It does build to something cool down the road. Give it up for Jane. I always like her writing...on many shows. Yeah...the restaurant. Ha. Like the secret entrances "behind the upstairs stacks" in the old high school library.