Wednesday, October 29, 2008

6.22 - Grave

Willow is going to end it all.


Willow and Giles fight for a long time, then Willow makes a giant fireball that is going to track down the nerds with Xander and Dawn. This effectively splits up Giles and Buffy, with Buffy having to go save her friends.

Willow sucks out Giles' power and soon realizes that she is now the most powerful thing on the earth. She feels the pain of everyone, and decides to end that pain. She's going to end the world.

Buffy is trying to protect her friends when the ground opens up beneath her and Dawn and they end up in a catacomb fighting dead things made from the earth, or something like that, that Willow has set upon them.

Willow has raised an evil church from underground that she is going to use to channel her power into and end the earth. Xander shows up and tells her he loves her. We cut back to Giles, who is wounded on the ground telling Anya that the power he had came from a council of magic type users who's power comes from the true place of magic, that of love. So by her taking his power, she has opened herself up to be vulnerable to love again. So by Xander telling her he loves her, he basically talks her down and Willow goes back to her old self and cries a lot.

I think this is just a little lame, the explanation they gave us, but it's okay. It's better than it could be. Buffy realizes, as they are fighting bad guys underground, that Dawn can take care of herself. She tells her that from now on she wants to show Dawn the world, not protect her from it.

Then she says she's so sorry about how dark things have gotten. I'd like to think that this is the writers telling us as an audience that they are sorry for how dark the season got, but we'll never know. If they were sorry, they lied, because season 7 was pretty dark too.

Anyway, it's a relatively satisfying end, but it's really awesome when we get to the cliffhanger. Spike is in the cave, and has completed the last of his trials. He is lying on the floor when the monster he has come to approaches him and tells him he has done well and passed every trial that has been put to him. Therefore, the monster picks him up, puts his hand on his chest, and says "I will restore your soul."

say wha-huh? This is going to make for a verrrrrrry interesting season 7.

Rating: 10/10


Anonymous said...

The yellow crayon! Forever forged in Buffy lore. 2 things came out of this episode/season for me. One being that like you said Buffy finally agrees to live for Dawn and have a go at life, although they could of done better with the battle that willow set upon them(guess it goes back to the title "Grave" though) The other being thank God this season is over and we can get back to some happy normal Buff again...That unfortunately doesn't happen. Next season is not nearly as dark but, Buffy's quite a speechified bitch and the season is very disjointed, I think...but I guess we'll get there right? Did love how Giles and Buffy have a huge laugh about all the f - ed up shit that was going down while he was away. Also going back to tabula Rasa, kinda funny how when Spike/Randy says hey maybe I'm a good vampire like a vampire with a soul. Buffy/Joan goes a vampire with a soul? How lame is that??? Always thought is was weird that now they're 2 of them...but that's a whole other story in a whole other series. The last thing I'll say is this was Xander's moment in the spotlight and I was touched by his speech to Dark Willow, felt like the old Xander...Fearless.

Anonymous said...

One other thing I'll say is...As much as I fricking love Buffy (and it's alot!) I can't watch this season-haven't in awhile. It's like Schindlers List- great movie, once is enough( well for me, maybe 3 to 4 times, but I've seen all the others like really 7 to 10 times) It's like comfort food too me...I go back to them when I'm feeling low or lonely, but never season 6. I've said before too myself that I can't keep living in the past with this show and it'll soon be dated, yet I have as recently as this summer watched up to season 5 again. Also watched 1-3 of Angel again too this summer. Just really haven't found anything as good as Buffy ever. Most shows have good episodes(everyone raves on Battlestar etc.) but it doesn't even compare. It's all about relating...I could care less about starbuck (and I do love BSG). But Buffy was something very special. At least to me. Just hope Dollhouse has that Jossness to it. Okay, that's my rant:)

Heath Holland said...

Wow, I completely agree with your second post (and most of your first one too) that no other show compares. They really don't. No other show gets you invested in lives like that.

And it does sound like I am complaining and nit picking about some of this stuff, and I don't mean to say that this season is bad, because it's not. This season is still better than most tv, but it does falter a few times and it got really hard to watch toward the end. I'll talk more about it in my season 6 looking back post.