Monday, October 13, 2008

4.5 - Beer Bad

Buffy starts drinking to drown her worries but ends up going Neandrathol.


This episode should be titled "story bad." I hated this one.

It was just ridiculous. Remember, dear readers, this is all subjective. If you liked it, I understand, we all have different tastes.

But for me, I think this was an extremely low point for the show. It's got a couple of cute moments, but by and large I was embarrassed for all involved.

And again with the heavy handed morals. Don't drown your problems in booze, it's not good for you. I get it.

Rating: 4/10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll give it a six. just because, Buffy's kinda hot as a semi-primate. Really they just mussed her hair up. Also some funny lines "Buffy Tired" and Parker gets clubed, finally. And Giles on the hunt asking if anyone's seen a girl with a "sort of sideways limp" . And I always loathed pompus college asses like that!