Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2.19 - I Only Have Eyes For You

Ghosts are causing Sunnydale students to re-enact a tragedy.


You know, if this and the episode that followed it had been earlier in the season, I would have been fine with it, but as it stands, things were just too far along for them to be giving us stuff like this. Like some of the other episodes, it's not bad, but it's not nearly as good to me as the stuff that's come before, and I can't help but be impatient to get some resolution with the whole Angel storyline. It's being allowed to play out too slowly, I think.

Last episode felt like a Freddy rip off, and this one reminds me a lot of the Shining.

What they did at the end of the episode, especially, having Angel and Buffy act out the ghost's final acts just cheapened everything that has happened up to this point with those two characters. It felt forced and didn't feel natural to me. I'm starting to think that they should have started the Angelus storyline about 4 episodes later so that there would have been less filler episodes and the drama could have played out uninterrupted.

I give it a 5/10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah...This episode is really out of place. More about Gile's grieving over Jenny...