Monday, October 13, 2008

4.4 - Fear Itself

Halloween in Sunnydale once again.


This is another of my all time favorite episodes. It's in that top 10 (that now feels like a top 30). When watching it again, I can't put my finger exactly on what makes it so awesome to me, though. Maybe it's the fact that I love the Halloween episodes. Maybe it's the fact that this one has a ton of genuinely creepy moments and imagery, such as the severed head with the bleeding eye socket, or the skeleton that comes to life and attacks Buffy with the knife. Maybe it's because I love Anya and she looks cute in the bunny costume.

What plays a huge part in my affection for this episode is the ending. It's absolutely awesome and hilarious. "He's kind of cute!" It's just wrong.

Favorite moment: Giles reads from the summoning book to Buffy. "The summoning spell for Gachnar can be shut down in one of two ways. Destroying the mark of Gachnar---"

Buffy destroys the mark on the floor and looks at Giles with a pleased expression.

Giles: --"IS NOT ONE OF THEM, and will, in fact, immediately bring forth the fear demon itself!" The expression on his face is priceless.

LOVE IT. Such fantastic writing.

Rating: 9/10


Anonymous said...

'who's a big fear demon" "Don't taunt him" "Why? Can he hurt me?" "No, it's just tacky"...I thought you were gonna score this one lower. I'm surprised. I personally liked it too, but I give a pass to the 3 Halloween episodes (even the seson 6 one) because, well, it's themed. Let me say, Giles so needs a job! And, the rift is getting larger between the characters. Buffy's starting to get that me agaisnt the world thing and willow's feeling slighted. Anya's fear of rabbits. Never was a big Anya fan myself. Never understood how a 1000 year old demon could be so uncouth (is that a word) and socially inept.

Heath Holland said...

Aw, I love Anya! She never had to worry about feelings before, she just got to dish out the vengeance. Now she's got emotions and wants and desires to deal with and she doesn't know how to do it because she's never had to before. I love her. I think Emma Caulfield is a pretty good lookin' dish, too.

Anonymous said...

Okay. I'll give her that...and points for being a good singer. I'm more of a Cordy person myself, as far as looks go, especially during Angel seaon's 1 and 2! Whoa!

Andres Salazar said...

great episode.

still dont care for Anya, but shes cute in that bunny outfit.

some great comedy in this one.