Wednesday, October 15, 2008

4.13 - The I in Team

Buffy joins the Initiative and gets sent on a dangerous mission.



Maggie Walsh, you turd.

Oh, wait. let me start at the beginning.

First off, Buffy isn't hanging out with the gang as much as she should and that makes some sadness.

Willow is spending more and more time with Tara (who is a lot more shy than I remember her being) and Buffy and Riley have the premarital sex. Bad Buffy, giving it to every boy you like now (this message brought to you by Abstinence Now, Abstinence Wow). I kid. Although she's sacked two guys in 13 episodes. I notice these things.

So later on, The Maggster sends Buffy on a mission that is intended to get her killed. And really, this is stupid. They've seen what she can do. Why would they think two demons could kill her? You deserve what you got at the end, Walsh.

Oh, and Adam seems kind of lame. I actually remember next to nothing about Adam or how this season progresses from here, so this almost feels like I'm going for the season 4 ride for the first time.

And I like Riley. I like that he stood up to Walsh at the end and walked away from her. I wonder if there will be consequences for his insubordinance. Probably not, since Walsh is pushin' up daisies.

Rating: 7/10


Anonymous said...

Major consequences coming...Adam's a douche. The only episode I like him in is Superstar, which is a twisted ep. Maggie's seems to have or had some sort of creepy crush on Riley, when she was watching them do it...weird.

Andres Salazar said...
