Saturday, October 11, 2008

3.18 - Earshot

Buffy gets the power to hear people's thoughts.


I'm noticing a trend here. Jane Espenson, who wrote this as well as the episode I hated, Gingerbread, just doesn't get "subtle." She doesn't understand that whole concept, of telling a story without hitting someone over the head with a moral or making the moral less obvious.

I get the message. School violence is bad. I think we all get it. The heavy handed ending of this with Jonathon really took away from what was an excellent episode up until the halfway point. I loved the first 25 minutes or so. I found the last 20 to be a huge bore.

I do love the image of the lunch lady with rat poison, though.

Rating: 6/10


Anonymous said...

I remember this episode being delayed for weeks, if not more, and possibly wasn't going to be aired at all due to the extremly bad timing... It was suppose to air right after the Columbine massacre. Bad timing or perfect symmetry with the pulse of the nation???Hmmmm. It was obviously finished before that fateful day...By the way (off topic) did you see the movie Elephant by Gus Van Zant about those shootings? Loved it...Anyway, this episode held up better at the time when Columbine was raging.

Heath Holland said...

Nope, I never saw Elephant. Sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

Elephant is awesome...he portrays the whole killings in such a mundane apathetic way..It's just focused on that one day at the school and how boring it was. Just another day and how nonchalant the killers were that day...Really good! check it out!