Tuesday, November 4, 2008

7.6 - Him

Another Love spell.


The title sums it all up. It's a lot like the love spell episode from season....2 or 3, I can't remember, but it's not as fun as that one was because Dawn is not as lovable as Xander was. I don't know...I saw what they were going for, I just didn't dig it most of the time. I give them kudos for the Charlie's Angels 4 way split screen thing they did, though. And for the plaid skirt Buffy wore. It was still kind of fun, though, and I welcome the lighter tone that this brought. Lord knows we need some laughs.

Rating: 8/10

Best line:

Willow, in love with the football jock and confronted with her being a lesbain: This isn't about physical presence...it's about his heart!"

Anya: His physical presence has a penis!

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