Thursday, November 6, 2008

7.21 - End of Days

The End is Near.


Buffy and the gang try to figure out what exactly this scythe weapon is that she has found. Also, Buffy and Spike come closer together. Spike tells Buffy that the night they spent holding each other was the best night of his life, and when he explains it, it makes me all weepy. He says that he's been close to lots of people and women, but he's never held anyone before. Not the way that he did Buffy. It's really sweet. I'll say it again. Spike is awesome, and when he's used right, he's a fantastic character. This incarnation of Spike is fantastic. He gets some joy in his life.

So at the end, Buffy goes to seek an explanation of the scythe from a really old chick in a crypt kind of thing, and while she is there, Caleb comes and kills the lady. A showdown ensues, and Buffy is just about to lose when she is saved by...

Angel! hoorah! And there was much rejoicing. They kiss, and we cut to credits.

With this being the end of it all, it just feels appropriate that Angel be back. I'm really apprehensive about the end. And very sad that it will soon be over.

Rating: 8/10

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